We allow full control over the customisation of your HulerHub.

Navigate to your Branding Settings within the Admin dashboard.

Here, you can make the following changes to your HulerHub to reflect and boost your brand identity:

  • Personalise theme settings
  • Add your logo
  • Add a favicon
  • Inputting T&Cs


Personalise your settings 

Here we can set our default theme settings, so all users are view the Hub in either dark or light mode depending upon your preference. They do of course have the option to change this for their own user accounts in their Personal Profiles.


You can also change the accent colour of your Huler experience. Using the hex code selector and picking the colour of your preference.

Huler Tip: Why not keep consistent branding on your HulerHub and use your company branding hex colour?

Remember to check the primary colours in both Light and Dark mode! Ensure you can read the text against the background.

Adding your logo 

In the company logo section, you can add your own business logo to replace the default Huler logo.

To do so, click on 'Use Custom Image' and upload your desired replacement logo.

As shown in the screenshot below, this is also where you can update your favicon. A favi-what!? A favicon is a fancy name for the little image that shows in your browser’s tabs!

You must upload a logo to all boxes in order for it to save.

You also have the option of inputting a text logo, simply by clicking into 'Use Text Logo' adding text into the box as shown below:

Once happy with your selected images, remember to click save. This will update your Huler workspace to show your uploaded image!

Huler will optimise your files as best as it can, to help with resizing, ensure all uploaded images are as square as possible


Inputting Terms & Conditions 

With HulerHub, you have the ability to input your own Terms and Conditions. 

To do so, head over to the 'Settings' tab in the context menu and click into 'T&Cs' 

From here, you can enter Terms and Conditions relevant to your company. But remember, be sure to set to active!